This morning I’ve been in Biombo’s showroom, of my friend María Molins.
You can find a lot of french brands like Virginie Castaway, Dress Gallery, Ambre Babzoe y Gat Rimon.
Also there are clothes from the london brands Goldie, Ducie or Blush, as well as the Yumi Kim from New York.
There are all kind of dresses, handbags, shirts, vests… in all the fashion colors for this summer. Hoss, Malababa or Les Petites are other brands that you can find in this showroom too.
I post you some pics that I’ve taken this morning. Hope you like it! And of course I recommend you to go, because it’s only open until saturday!
Some of my shoppings…
With María! 😉
My jewelry
I was wearing:
Shirt: Sister Jane
Jeans: Zara
Jewelry: Aristocrazy and TopShop
Pic of the promotion: https://fbcdn-sphotos-a. akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/ 481476_10151408915160161_ 580725160_23257240_1250904752_ n.jpg
Website: http://bybiombo.com/